Monday, May 4, 2009

Stem Cells in Baby Teeth!!

We recently started to offer two services for the collection of stem cells from extracted baby teeth. The services, StemSave and Store-a-tooth, both offer the opportunity to bank your child's stem cells for later use. Many people, my family included, have had their children's cord blood saved at birth and stored in a similar manner.

We help evaluate the child to ensure that a healthy, loose tooth is taken out while there is still active blood supply to the tooth. I can put up to four teeth in a vial that contains nutrients to keep the stem cells alive, and puts the teeth into a state of hypothermia. The vial is shipped overnight to one of the companies for preservation until you need it. All you have to do is set up the account, which can be done completely online.

Stem Cells can be an invaluable tool for future health.
The human tooth contains healthy pulp tissue which contains stem cells that can be utilized to regenerate your child’s health in the future if needed. Stem cells extracted from the healthy tissue within your child’s tooth can help fix medical ailments, grow new organs, repair bone, and much more.

What exactly are stem cells?
They are the carriers for repaired DNA and are capable of replicating themselves. The stem cells from teeth have been observed in research studies to be among the most powerful stem cells in the human body. Stem cells from teeth replicate at a faster rate and for a longer period of time than do stem cells harvested from other tissues of the body.

If at some point in the future your child would need an organ transplant, bone marrow, skin, etc., their body will not run the risk of rejecting those from a donor because their own stem cells would be utilized. Currently, the Army is utilizing this method to help wounded soldiers heal from their injuries.

If you, or anyone you know is interested, please e-mail me for more information.

Scott C. Peters, D.M.D.

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